Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Water Scarcity

My perception of water scarcity which is a very serious problem in India , due to atrocious wastage of water by people individually .

So , I hope this pic. of a tap and bucket expressing their grief when the water is scarce , would be a strong message to the viewers .

Monday, 23 March 2015

Family Portrait

A family of Umbrella , getting drenched in rains . Mother and Son umbrellas are amused with the rain fall , Father umbrella is unhappy as he is not able to open due to fatigue .

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Fan fury

Animating vintage props. gives me immense joy. As you see in this pic. , an old table fan goes furious and blows forcefully , a stream of air over a pile of papers . The papers panic and show varied signs of anxiety and fear , when they fly . I strongly believe  It's the expressions and attitudes of the drawings , that give in depth life to these imaginative sketches .

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Birthday Wish

This sketching was done , wishing my good friend Martin Holous ,  a great animal miniature figurines collector from Czech . He is so obsessively passionate with the Giraffes .

This drawing depicts 2 Giraffes wishing him on his Birthday .

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Lion and rats

A  sketch study of a
Lion and his facial reactions , to a gang of rats

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Weird Expressions

Here , you see the weird expressions of people from different walks of life .

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Rodent run

Here you see a set of sketches , depicting the movements and expressions of an old Almirah on seeing a mischievous Rat . I always enjoy animating inanimate things and their reactions to living things !